Voice Reduce

Voice Reduce is powerful MIDI polyphony limiter that enables creative ways to carving up input MIDI and MPE.

The simple concept revolves around a Voice Limit: the maximum number of simultaneous notes which can be output.  When the number of input MIDI notes exceeds the Voice Limit, one of the active voices is “stolen” by the newer note.

What sets Voice Reduce apart is that it dynamically respond to changes to the Voice Limit by playing or muting notes when the Voice Limit goes down OR up.

Voice Reduce has five (5) Steal modes for choosing which held note gets muted: oldest, newest, lowest, highest, and random.

The ReVoice setting mirror the Steal options for how to prioritize which note gets re-activated when voices become available.

Block: When new note-ons arrive, if the Voice Limit has already been reached, rather than steal a voice, the new note is muted.

Fill: when a played voice is released (note-off) then a muted note will be activated (note-on).

Some example uses:

  • With Fill enabled, modulate Voice Limit with a LFO sine wave to create a strumming effect.  The “direction” of the strum is controlled by the ReVoice setting (oldest, newest, lowest, highest or random).
  • Use it in front of an Arpeggiator for more predictable patterns as chords change.
  • Use it after a MIDI Effect Rack with multiple parallel Chains to reduce the total polyphony.
  • Or the classic: just put it in front of any synth for more precise control over voice stealing!


Voice Reduce features a Push control layout, but because it uses Max externals it is not currently supported on Push 3 Standalone.

Read the User Manual.


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